When days were long and many stories were told
The fires glowed, throwing off the damp and cold
The hours seemed to glide, as the man spun the yarn
Of the days of old, when cattle filled the farm
The drought did linger and many cattle died
But the old mans stories, lifted their hope and pride
The farmer lifted their hats, to lives full of dreams
Of green countryside, when water filled the streams
On and on he went, the women began to smile
Their hard toil over, if only for a while
The children sat on knees, eyes full of hope
Their vision marred, of the land that couldn't cope
The story teller grew tired, the coals glowed red
Everybody left for home, to the solace of their bed
But the memories lingered on, of the stories they had heard
That night at the campfire, amongst their dead herd
The old man smiled and rubbed his weary jaw
He looked past the night and saw God's unwritten law
It didn't please him, but the stories he'd just told
Gave the people hope and helped to shape and mould
The spirit that lives in the outback, like that of old.